Motomachi Park in Hakodate(元町公園)

This place is written as [元町公園] in Japanese.

As you stroll along the foothills of Mt. Hakodate, you’ll come across an open area where you can see the harbor. This spot is Motomachi Park, with Motomachi Street extending straight towards the harbor—although it doesn’t actually pass through the middle of the park.

Immediately to the right with the park at your back is the British Consulate, and to the right-hand side is the Soma Residence. As Hakodate-yama is a concentrated tourist area with various attractions, take a break here if you feel like resting after exploring around.

About Motomachi Park

Motomachi Park (元町公園) is situated at the foot of Mt. Hakodate, atop the Motoizaka Slope. This area historically housed a structure known as Hakodate during the Muromachi era (1336–1573). The name “Hakodate” derives from “hako” meaning box and “date” meaning building, signifying its ancient origins.

Later, Hakodate Hachiman Shrine was established here, along with a guarding station by the Matsumae Clan. During the late Edo period, this site housed the Hakodate Magistrate’s Office, and subsequently, the former Hokkaido Government Office Hakodate Branch. Throughout history, this area has been central to politics in Hokkaido.

Adjacent to the park, you’ll find the former Public Hall of Hakodate Ward and just across, the former British Consulate. Many other famous and historical buildings and sites surround Motomachi Park. If you find yourself weary from walking, take a moment to rest here and enjoy the splendid view of Hakodate Bay Area.


Take a tram to Suehirocho and walk 5 minutes.

Other historical buildings


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Hiroshi Mizukoshi painter / writer