Hokkaido Railway Technical Museum near Ario Sapporo

hokkaido railway technical museum
This place is written as [北海道鉄道技術館] in Japanese.

The Hokkaido Railway Technical Museum (北海道鉄道技術館) is located in Naebo, east of Sapporo City, at the base of Hokkaido Railway. The museum showcases the history of Hokkaido’s railway through documents, photographs, and real trains.

Situated close to the Sapporo Beer Museum/Sapporo Beer Garden and Ario Sapporo, it’s a great destination for railroad enthusiasts to spend a few hours exploring. While there are no descriptions in languages other than Japanese, visitors can still appreciate the exhibits without linguistic aids.

Known as a sacred place for railway enthusiasts, often referred to as “Tesudo Otaku” (鉄道オタク), the museum also appeals to those who aren’t deeply into railways. The detailed models of various trains are particularly impressive and leave a lasting impression.


Hokkaido Railway Technical Museum


  • Steam Locomotives D51 237, C62 3 — These are really worth looking.
  • 1/5Models of trains
  • several photographs of Hokkaido railway history
  • diorama of railway
  • several kinds of parts for trains
  • etc…


  • JR Hokkaido Naebo Factory, N5 E13, Higashiku Sapporo
  • Take a JR train to Naebo and 20 min walk.
  • 6 min walk from Sapporo Beer Museum/Sapporo Beer Garden/Apio Sapporo


  • The 2nd and 4th Saturday every month.
  • From May to August, the 1st, 2nd, 4th Saturday opened.

Admission Fee

  • Free


  • Sapporo Beer Museum/Sapporo Beer Garden
  • Ario Sapporo
  • MEGMILK Snow Brand Museum(雪印メグミルク 酪農と乳の歴史館)

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Hiroshi Mizukoshi painter / writer