How to Pour a Delicious Sapporo Beer: Instructions from the Lady at the Sapporo Beer Museum

pouring beer
This place is written as [サッポロビール博物館] in Japanese.

Do you know how to pour a delicious beer from a can?

It might not seem important when you’re just enjoying a beer, but visiting the Sapporo Beer Museum can change that. A little tip can make your beer experience much more enjoyable.

At the end of the museum tour, Miss Suzuki, a knowledgeable and charming tour guide, demonstrates the art of pouring a perfect beer from a can.

This technique incorporates insights into the brewery’s craftsmanship, enhancing the smoothness, flavor, and overall enjoyment of the beer. Give it a try!

Beer Storage Guidelines

  • Keep beer chilled between 4°C and 8°C.
  • Refrigerate for 5 to 6 hours before serving.
  • Avoid shaking the beer.

Glass Care Tips

  • Thoroughly wash the glass to remove any oils.
  • Allow the glass to air dry upside down.
  • Chill the glass in the refrigerator (avoid freezing).
  • A recommended glass shape is one with a 1:2 ratio of diameter to height.

See the photo below for reference.

The Initial Pour

pouring a beer from a high position

Pouring beer from a height to create a fine foam.

it makes 2/3 foam of the glass

Achieving a 2:1 foam-to-beer ratio in the glass

The Second Pour

when the ratio of beer and float is 1:1, pour more beer slowly and stop to 90%.

Wait a couple of minutes until the beer and foam ratio is approximately 1:1, then pour more beer slowly, stopping when the glass is 90% full.

up to 90%

Fill up to 90% of the glass.

The Third and Final Pour

pouring last beer and heaping foam up carefully.

Carefully pour the last beer, ensuring the foam is heaped up nicely.

foam 3 : beer 7

Achieve a 3:7 ratio of foam to beer

The Role of Beer Foam

Beer foam helps maintain the flavor and carbonation of the beer.
It acts as a barrier to prevent the beer from oxidizing.
Foam keeps the beer fresh throughout the drinking experience.

When drinking beer, leaving a layer of foam intact helps preserve its freshness and flavor until the last drop.

Sapporo Beer Museum

see more detail to read this article

How Was The Japan’s First Beer Made?: Exploring Sapporo Beer Museum

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Hiroshi Mizukoshi painter / writer