Hoheikyo Dam: Autumn leaves, Jozankei in Sapporo

houheikyo in autumn
This place is written as [豊平峡ダム] in Japanese.

Hoheikyo Dam, located in Jozankei, Minami-ku, Sapporo, is one of the most renowned sightseeing spots in the city.

Situated upstream of the Toyohira River, it serves as a vital water source for Sapporo’s domestic use. Standing at 102.5 meters tall and spanning 300 meters wide, Hoheikyo Dam is an arch-type concrete dam of the ‘concrete dome arch dam’ variety.

This type of dam is rare in Hokkaido, with Oku-Shimukappu Dam on the Shimukappu River being one of the only other examples. The dam creates Lake Jozan (Jouzan-ko), a picturesque destination known for its vibrant autumn foliage, situated within the scenic Shikotsu-Tōya National Park.

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Autumn Leaves in Hoheikyo Dam 2019


houheikyo in autumn
Houheikyo in Autumn

The Toyohira River, flowing through Sapporo, was historically prone to flooding, especially during heavy rains in the Meiji era. To mitigate this, the Hokkaido Development Commission undertook a project to straighten the river’s course. However, after World War II, Sapporo’s population surged rapidly, leading to increased demands for water and power. Despite efforts to manage flooding, incidents still occurred during spring snow melts and heavy rains.

In response, the Hokkaido Development Bureau formulated plans to construct a dam to both prevent floods and enhance electric power supply. The construction of the Hoheikyo Dam took place between 1965 and 1972, coinciding with the Sapporo Winter Olympic Games. At that time, Sapporo’s population had reached one million (now 1.92 million), underscoring the dam’s critical role in supplying water and electricity to the growing city.

lake sapporo / jozankei dam
Lake Sapporo Jozankei Dam

After the completion of the Hoheikyo Dam, Sapporo’s population continued to grow, necessitating further infrastructure development. Consequently, another dam was constructed on the opposite side of the Jozankei area, known as the Jozankei Dam. Together, these two dams play crucial roles in supporting the water and power needs of Sapporo’s expanding population.

Hot Spa and Autumn leaves

The Hoheikyo Dam, designated as one of Japan’s 100 beautiful dams in 2005, is renowned for its stunning autumn foliage. Situated in Jozankei, a well-known hot spring area in Japan, this site attracts visitors with its vibrant display of red, yellow, and deep green hues during the autumn season.

Hoheikyo in Autumn, surrounded by Red, Yellow and Deep Green

Access to Houheikyo Dam Parking

Car or Bus

Until Oct, 26 2014, a shuttle bus is available to go to Houheikyo Dam parking at Jozankei Tourist Association.

  • Fare adult:¥300(round trip)
  • The first bus starts 9:30 and there are 5 shuttle buses a day. 45 persons.
  • Tel: 011-598-2012

Access to the Dam

NO car. Only Hybrid Electric Bus can go to the dam. You can get to the Dam about 30 minutes by waking. It is about 2 km.

Bus Fare

  • Adult: ¥620(round trip) ¥310(one way)
  • Child: ¥300(round trip) ¥150(one way)
  • If raining, you can take a bus even if you get to the dam by walking. Pay one way fare.

Hot Spa and Bus (up to Nov, 3 2014)

A discount ticket is available. After visiting Houheikyo Dam, you can go to hot spa in Jozankei. Admission charge is included bus fare and hot spa below.

  • Adult: ¥1,200 — junior high school and over
  • Child: ¥700
Houheikyo Onsen(豊平峡温泉), Jozankei Hotel(定山渓ホテル), Nukumorino-Yado Furukawa(ぬくもりの宿ふる川), Hotel Shikanoyu(ホテル鹿の湯) Jouzankei Daiichi Hotel Suizantei(定山渓第一寶亭留翠山亭), Jozankei Grand Hotel(定山渓グランドホテル瑞苑), Yuno Hana(湯の花), Yumoto Koganeyu(湯元小金湯)


jozankei-cafe-hotspa Click to open a map for Jozankei Cafe, Shopping and Hot Spa

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Hiroshi Mizukoshi painter / writer