Autumn Leaves in Hoheikyo Dam 2019

This place is written as [豊平峡ダム] in Japanese.

On October 20th, 2019, I visited Hoheikyo Dam near Jozankei in Sapporo. It was an exceptionally beautiful day with vibrant shades of red, orange, yellow, moss green, and deep green needle-leaved trees scattered throughout the area.

On that Sunday, many people were also heading to Hoheikyo, causing a long traffic jam on the narrow road from Jozankei. It took us nearly 30 minutes to cover the last 500 meters to the parking area. However, the relaxed pace of driving gave us a chance to engage in a meaningful family conversation, which was truly enjoyable.


We took an electric bus to reach Hoheikyo Dam. The buses were running every 5 minutes, following the holiday schedule.

Tickets can be purchased at a small booth nearby.

It took about 6-7 minutes to travel from the parking area to Hoheikyo Dam on a bus packed with around 40 people.

Snacks and mushroom miso soup are available at the booth on the right side.

Japanese people adore autumn foliage all across Japan. Jozankei is among the top three locations in Hokkaido for viewing this natural spectacle. The rugged hills and vibrant leaves of Hoheikyo are unique to the Sapporo area. Sounkyo, known for its steep and rocky terrain, is another renowned spot for autumn foliage in Hokkaido. If you’re planning to hike or climb Mt. Kurodake or Mt. Asahidake, Sounkyo is a great place to visit.

Anyway, I walked to the viewpoint in just 5 minutes.

A shop and a restaurant are housed in the hut.

You can see the entire scenery of Hoheikyo Dam from here.

It was surprisingly warm for late October, and many people and families were enjoying Jingisukan outdoors.



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Hiroshi Mizukoshi painter / writer