Ice Festival in Shikotsuko, Chitose city

This place is written as [千歳・支笏湖氷濤まつり] in Japanese.

There are many large ice sculptures made from the water of Lake Shikotsuko. During the day, they shine with a beautiful blue hue and are illuminated with various colors at night, creating a magical atmosphere.

This blue color is known as “Shikotsuko Blue,” named after the unique hue of Lake Shikotsuko.

The festival features two ice slides for kids, along with other ice buildings and domes.

The opening ceremony includes flower gifts, and there are also wedding events, fireworks, and other planned activities. This is a famous festival at Lake Shikotsuko, held during the coldest part of winter, from the end of January to mid-February.


Heavy traffic jams are expected on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, especially during the last 3-4 days of the event. These typically begin around sunset, as many people rush to see the night views, resulting in significant congestion. Realistically, it can take 60-90 minutes to find parking.

There are usually no toilets along the driveway, so it’s advisable to bring portable toilets, which you can purchase at Montbell shops or other drug stores.

To avoid the worst of the traffic, it’s a good idea to arrive before sunset.

By car

  • 40min from Chitose airport (approximately 7,000 yen by taxi)
  • 60min from Sapporo station

By bus

  • 55min from Chitose airport


Temperatures are usually -10°C or lower, so you need to dress as if you’re going skiing. Warm gloves are essential. If you plan to enjoy attractions like the ice slides with your children, make sure everyone is equipped with warm clothing and gear.

Without adequate clothing and equipment, you risk frostbite on your face or hands. Pay close attention to what you wear.

Recommended items:

    • Ski wear
    • Kairo (カイロ), heating pads
    • Wool cap or mask
    • Keep your camera warm in your pocket or hands

PDF Booklet

see related articles below for access to Lake Shikotsuko.

Hyoto JInjya氷濤神社
The tallest object Blue Tower

Many coins are put on the wall and Saisenbako which you donate money as you wish for pray

Popular attraction Ice Slider

Ice link for infants
Ice wall

Steps for observation

Ice dome which is made like a Koke no Domon苔の洞門 which is located just aside of Lake Shikotsuko It has been closed due to natural disaster


Foods Both

Lake Shikotsuko
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Hiroshi Mizukoshi painter / writer