Yukitoro(雪灯路) in Jozankei Jinjya

This place is written as [雪灯路] in Japanese.

This is a Snow candle Event called ‘Yuki Toro(雪灯路)’ held at Jozankei Jinjya. 2,000 ice candles are lightning in the precinct of the shrine. This is the 10th anniversary event in 2020.

Yukitoro is a snow art festival made by not only Jozankei locals but also visitors who participate in lighting snow candles as well.

Regular wishing candles are available at the small booth. You are supposed to write your wish on the surface of your wax bowl which is very fragile. So that it is said if you can carry out to move your wish candle to the snow stand, your wish may be realized.



  • Wishing Lights by wax bowl: Everyone take part in the event writing their wish on the wax bowl.
  • Tea shop, Yukimi-chaya is opened for hot foods and drinks.



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Hiroshi Mizukoshi painter / writer