Enjoy Watching Horses Galloping to Shake Off Winter Sluggishness in Otofuke

This place is written as [音更町 家畜改良センター十勝牧場 馬追い] in Japanese.

Experience the Thrill of Watching Horses Galloping on Snowy Grounds!

Immerse yourself in the exhilarating sight of a troop of horses dashing across a snowy track, a unique spectacle available exclusively at the Tokachi Stock Farm’s Improvement of Livestock Center.

Scheduled from January 16th to February 24th, 2023, these horse exercise sessions are vital for countering the winter lack of activity. Beginning at 9:30 in the morning, approximately 90 horses, divided into three groups, take turns running along the 800-meter runway at 15-20 minute intervals.

In summer, these horses reside on their respective farms. However, during winter, space for exercise becomes limited. The facility provides them with the essential opportunity to maintain their health, particularly crucial for pregnant mares—this season boasting around 60 expectant mothers, as per the Tokachi Stock Farm’s website.

Photographers and tourists alike brave the early, chilly mornings to witness this mesmerizing sight. Otofuke, alongside cities like Obihiro and Toyokoro, ranks among the coldest areas in the region.

If you’ve already marveled at the Jewelry Ice on Otsu Shore in Toyokoro, consider extending your trip to witness the horse exercises—an approximately 90-minute drive from the Jewelry Ice site.

Keep in mind that Jewelry Ice sightings are dependent on natural conditions and not guaranteed. Visiting the horse exercises presents an excellent alternative plan, although sessions may be subject to cancellation based on the day’s circumstances.

Remember to pack plenty of hand warmers (“kairo”) to ward off the cold—you can purchase them at convenience stores.



Please drive carefully!

If you’re driving in Hokkaido and are new to winter driving, make sure to read the following articles. They outline essential checkpoints and tips you should be aware of.

With so many car accidents occurring daily, I hope you return home safely, carrying happy memories with you.

Information for visitors

Please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Before parking, drive through the sterilizer.
  • Do not enter prohibited zones or touch any horses.
  • Avoid making sudden loud noises or movements to prevent startling the horses.
  • There are no toilets in the viewing area except at the office. Buses cannot park here.
  • To catch a bus, go to “Tokachi Bokujo (十勝牧場),” which is a 10-minute walk from this location.


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Hiroshi Mizukoshi painter / writer