Hakodate Gokoku Jinjya Shrine

This place is written as [函館護国神社] in Japanese.

The Shrine was originally constructed in 1869 in order to worship soldiers died for Hakodate War. The existent building was built in 1942.

There are about 50 graves of soldiers of the Meiji Government. Looking up from the foot of the Gokoku Jinjya Slope, the red Torii is outstanding. Now, the shrine is very popular for locals as the god of marriage.

Located right next to the Hakodate Ropeway, the road behind the shrine leads up to Mt. Hakodate. Please note that this road is strictly for uphill traffic.

The Gokoku Shrine itself is usually not very crowded, but it becomes lively with many local visitors during the New Year holidays.

Walking to the right side with the shrine at your back, you’ll find Hakodate Park. Parking your car in one of the parking lots near Hakodate Park and taking a stroll around here would also be a nice idea.


Hakodate Gokoku Shrine


  • Take a tram to Houraicho(宝来町) and 8 min walk.

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Hiroshi Mizukoshi painter / writer