How to Take a walk around Lake Ohnuma of Nanae town, Hokkaido for about 30 minutes

Ōnuma is located along the drive from Sapporo to Hakodate or from Hakodate towards Sapporo.

Ōnuma offers a large, free parking area, so you should have no trouble finding a spot for your car.

Around the parking area, you’ll find various shops selling souvenirs, among which “Ōnuma Dango” is a local specialty you should definitely try.

Nature Walking Courses

These walking courses provide a variety of experiences, from short, easy walks to longer, more immersive hikes. Enjoy the diverse landscapes and natural beauty of the area at your own pace.

Ōshima Path (Monument of a Thousand Winds)

  • Description: A bright and open short course
  • Duration: 15 minutes

Forest Path

  • Description: A lush and shaded short course
  • Duration: 20 minutes

Island Touring Path

  • Description: A course that circles around the islands and bridges
  • Duration: 50 minutes

Konuma Sunset Path

  • Description: A quiet course through natural surroundings
  • Duration: 25 minutes

About the lake Ohnuma

Ōnuma, which translates to “large marsh,” is actually a magnificent lake. While there is no clear distinction between a lake and a marsh, a body of water is generally considered a lake if it has a depth of 5 to 10 meters or more, preventing plant intrusion into its central area. By this criterion, Ōnuma is classified as a lake.

Ōnuma was formed approximately 30,000 to 50,000 years ago due to volcanic activity from Mount Komagatake, which created an ancient Ōnuma. Subsequent eruptions shaped the current Ōnuma, along with Konuma and Junsainuma.

According to a survey by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, Ōnuma is classified as a dammed lake, while Konuma and Junsainuma are categorized as subsidence lakes.

While this explanation may be a bit technical, understanding the geological formation of the area enhances the appreciation of the region’s spectacular and beautiful landscape.

Get the bike for a further experience

There are also several bicycle rental shops. The rental fees are about 500 yen per hour or around 1,000 yen for the entire day. Cycling around the lake is a fantastic way to explore the area.

The perimeter of Lake Ōnuma is approximately 14 kilometers. For an adult, it takes about 70 to 90 minutes to cycle around. If you take breaks and enjoy the scenery, it might take an additional 30 minutes to an hour.

The view of Mount Komagatake across the lake is breathtaking, with each season offering its own unique beauty.

Starting from Ōnuma Park Station, it’s recommended to cycle counterclockwise along the lakeside road. You’ll pass “Lakeside Boardwalk” and other spots with great views of Mount Komagatake, as well as a campground. The road starts to slope slightly here, so push on! Next, you’ll come across “Komagatake Shrine,” a known power spot, where you can see large rocks that were hurled by volcanic eruptions—quite astonishing!

After crossing the Tsukimi Bridge between Ōnuma and Konuma, you’ll see the “Monument of Japan’s New Three Scenic Spots,” and soon you’ll reach your goal. If you still have energy left, it’s worth visiting the “Higurashiyama Observation Deck,” about 3 kilometers west of Tsukimi Bridge. Park your bike and take a 30-minute walk from the trailhead to enjoy a panoramic view of Ōnuma Park.

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Hiroshi Mizukoshi painter / writer