Shishamo Sushi in Mukawa

Mukawa is renowned for its marine delicacy, Shishamo (Spirinchus lanceolatus), which is found exclusively along the Pacific coast of Hokkaido. Its fishing season is limited to just two months, from October to mid-November, making it exceptionally prized.

The appearance of Shishamo undergoes notable changes throughout the fishing season. At the start of October, Shishamo is rich in body fat but female fish have few eggs. By the middle of the season, the eggs become plump and fatty, and the fish’s body takes on a reddish hue known as nuptial color.

Towards the end of the season, the color darkens further, and male fish develop black patterns on their surface. The eggs become even more fatty, imparting a luxurious texture.

These evolving characteristics make Mukawa’s Shishamo highly coveted and precious.

Ohno-shoten is renowned for its sale of Shishamo. The long line of customers often extends outside the shop.

You can buy a package of 10 Shishamo for 1300 – 1500 yen at Ohno-shoten. While it may seem expensive, this unique product is not available elsewhere, except perhaps in some exclusive department stores where prices are typically higher.

How about Shishamo Sushi?

The sushi at Taihou Zushi costs 2000 yen. Do you think it’s reasonable?

This sushi features a topping of red eggs made from precious Shishamo eggs, which are available only during this short season.

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Hiroshi Mizukoshi painter / writer