Shinsen-numa, where Gods and immortals exist, in Kyowa-cho

This place is written as [神仙沼] in Japanese.

In mid-June, atop Mt. Chisenupuri in the Niseko Range, remnants of snow still cling to the mountain peaks of this volcanic region. Here, a vast lava plateau gives way to a stunning marshland known as Shinsen-numa, where “Shinsen” denotes gods and immortals, and “numa” refers to marsh in Japanese.

“This is where gods and immortals reside,” proclaimed Toyomatsu Shimoda, a founding figure of the Boy Scouts in Japan, upon discovering this picturesque marsh during his explorations of the Niseko Range. Named Shinsen-numa by Shimoda, it remains one of the most breathtaking spots in the area. From mid-June to July, alpine plants burst into bloom here, and late cherry blossoms add their delicate petals to the scenery, freshly thawed from the lingering mountain snow.

Weather atop the mountain can be capricious, so it’s wise to carry rain gear even on sunny days. A wooden footpath leads from the entrance to Shinsen-numa, making it accessible not only for novice hikers but also for individuals with disabilities.

After a 15-minute walk through twisting woods that endure heavy snowfall, a vast marshland unfolds before you, adorned with numerous alpine plants. Simply follow the forked footpath to reach Shinsen-numa. Visiting in mid-June offers the opportunity to witness lingering snow against a backdrop of blooming flowers, marking the transition from spring to summer with a refreshing mountain breeze that hints at winter’s departure.

Few places offer such a captivating and multifaceted experience as easily as Shinsen-numa in the Niseko Range.


No public transportation. You can access only by car.


  • Goshiki Onsen(hot spa 五色温泉)
  • Yuki-Chichibu(国民宿舎雪秩父)
  • Niseko Yamano-ie(ニセコ山の家)
  • Niseko Grande Hotel(ニセコグランドホテル)
  • Hotel Kanro-no-mori(ホテル甘露の森)


  • Niseko Annupuri
  • Niseko Hirafu
  • Niseko Chisenupuri
  • Niseko Higashiyama


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Hiroshi Mizukoshi painter / writer