Our challenge

mt.niseko-annupuri near goshiki hot spring
MtNiseko Annupuri near Goshiki hot spring

Japan has been an underdeveloped country about tourism for many years. Now, Japanese are about to make efforts for a developing nation at last. Thus Japanese Government have been convinced of such a horrible situation that they have executed many plans for getting more than 10,000,000 foreign tourists until 2010.

But it hadn’t got through and next year, unfortunately, we had such a huge disaster, Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami(東日本大震災), that Japanese tourism had got a terrible damage never before.

Now, Japan has come back to normal day by day and many foreign travelers have been visiting back again. Our services which the Japanese call ‘omotenashi’ have to be more attractive for them.

However many foreign visiters have many kind of dissatisfaction for traveling, especially about language according to some reports of the investigation for tourism by the government.

It’s true for us not to make efforts for foreigner’s easy traveling. The menu of restaurant would be in almost only Japanese. Taking a bus with NO indication of other languages, you would get trouble where to get off and how much fare to pay. These matters are even hard for a Japanese person like you as for the first-time visit.

We want to change these matters better one by one. It might be going very slowly, but we hope that we can keep on trying.

Your comments are welcome and make this web site more practical.


The word of Fleemy is a word coined by us. We think of the meaning of travel, it’s something like freeing oneself. That’s why we made the word ‘Fleemy’; Flee myself!