Niseko Onsen

There are a lot of nice Onsen, hot spas in Great Niseko Area.

Niseko Grand Hotel

There is a mixed bathing here which is a outdoor hot spring. If you don’t like it, there are bath rooms for women and men only. A open hot spa is mixed bathing widely opened to air which is very nice and comfortable. For women, there is a hot spa wear like a bath-robe for mixed bath. This is very popular for locals and tourists.

Tips: Kanro Spring Water

There is spring water for drinking in front of the hotel over the road. It is called Kanro no Mizu(甘露の水), which means sweet spring water. When Emperor Showa came here and drunk it, he said, “This water is very sweet”. That’s why people say this spring water Kanro no Mizu, Kanro spring water. People might get the spring by pet bottles and plastic tank. The hotel serves it for free at the lobby of the hotel. You can drink there, too.

Niseko Goshiki Onsen(ニセコ五色温泉)

Goshiki Onsen is located at the near top of Mt.Annupuri and Mt.Iwaonupuri. This is the most highest located hot spa in Niseko Area. In the middle of winter, there are tons of heavy snow and wild hot spa you will experience. This is the most famous hot spa in Niseko and has many hot spa fans.

  • Adult: 800 yen, Child: 500 yen
  • Summer(May – November) 9:00-20:00
  • Winter(December – April) 10:00 – 19:00
  • Tel: 0136-58-2707
  • Goshiki

Hotel Kanronomori(甘露の森)

Yugokorotei Niseko Annupuri Onsen(ニセコアンヌプリ温泉湯心亭)

  • Adult: 1000 yen, Junior high school: 900 yen, Under 12: 500 yen, infant: free
  • 6:30~22:00(last admission:21:00)
  • Tel: 0136-58-2500
  • Annupuri


  • Adult: 950 yen, Child: 550 yen, infant: free
  • 13:00-21:00
  • Tel: 0136-50-2111
  • Moiwa

Niseko Ekimae Onsen Kiranoyu(ニセコ駅前温泉綺羅乃湯)

  • Adult: 500 yen, Child: 250 yen
  • 10:00~21:30
  • closed 2nd and 4th Wednesday, the day after Wednesday in case of holiday
  • Tel: 0136-44-1100

 Ikoino Yuyado Iroha: former Hotel Niseko Ikoinomura

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Hiroshi Mizukoshi painter / writer